Compare Nile Cruise Ships

Compare Nile Cruise Ships

Compare Nile Cruise Ships - Alexander The Great
One of the most difficult things to do if you are thinking of taking a Nile cruise is to compare Nile cruise ships.

How can you do it and on what basis can you compare them? The main problem is that all ship owners describe their ships as “5 Star Luxury“. Yet they cant’ possibly all be “5 Star Luxury” can they?

In fact there is a huge difference between some ships at what I would call near the bottom of the scale and those ships right at the top.

In fact some of the ships cruising the Nile, such as the Oberoi Zahra and the Alexander The Great are really luxury motor yachts. The type you would expect someone like Roman Abramovich to own. Yet they are still classed as “5 Star Luxury” ships. But if you are paying upwards of £2000+ per week to sail on them how can they compare with a ship that you pay £599 a week for.

Certainly, as with anything in this world, you get what you pay for. So it stands to reason that if you are paying a “budget price” then you wont’ get the same standards as if you had paid a lot more.

One of the ways to compare Nile cruise ships is to read reviews on specialist websites such as our own “Nile cruise Testimonials” page or look at pages dedicated to listing and describing the various ships such as our own “Nile cruise ships” page.

However, one of the main things you can do is talk with Nile cruise specialists. Travel agents who sell nothing but Nile cruises every day of the week. You can expect unbiased opinions from someone who knows their subject backwards.

Remember its’ not in their interests to tell you “porkies” about the standards of a ship they are trying to sell you as you come come right back to them afterwards if it doesn’t’ live up to how you described it.

So if you use a mixture of the suggestions detailed above you will be able to compare Nile cruise ships with a pretty high level of accuracy.