Egypt: Should You Go?

Egypt: Should you Go?

That was the title of an article in the travel section of yesterday’s Sunday Times.

Egypt: Should you go?

The subtitle was: “You can see the ancient wonders without the crowds“.

The article written by Anthony Sattin, a writer and traveller suggested that:

Despite the problems, the arguments FOR visiting Egypt are now compelling“.

He went on to say: “Tourist numbers have plummeted since the Arab Spring, so it’s gloriously quiet at the moments and the sights. The other reasons to go are perennial – stunning antiquities, beautiful landscapes, friendly people, the Nile, Tutankhamun’s treasures  – oh, and sun

He then described the situation in Luxor, where Nile cruises start and finish:

“Being almost entirely dependent on tourism, Luxor has been particularly hard hit, with visitor numbers between a half and a quarter of what they would normally be. In the first days of the revolution, guards mounted a 24-hour watch on Karnak Temple to stop it being looted – but, since then, the city has been as quiet as a tomb. There have been no incidents on the Nile and Aswan is as sleepy as ever. Continue reading “Egypt: Should You Go?”