Nile Cruise, Ancient Egypt and The Guardian

Nile Cruise and Cairo VisitNile Cruise with The Guardian!

Hopefully some of you will have read my post yesterday about the Free Ancient Egypt Book given away in today’s Guardian.  If not run out now and see if you can get hold of a copy because it really is an excellent introduction to Ancient Egypt.

Over the coming week or so I’ll detail some of the things that are included in the book but if you can get hold of a copy yourself prior to your taking your Nile Cruise I really think you’ll find it an invaluable resource to give you a well eounded overview that you can then build on when you visit Egypt.


A Nile cruise is a great combination of relaxing cruise and a fascinating introduction to Ancient Egypt and if you can pre-arm yourself with a little knowledge before you go I think it makes your cuise even more interesting.

The Guardian book explains much about The Pharaohs, The Afterlife, The Gods, Hieroglyphs, The Royal Tombs and much more.  All things that you will either see or learn about on your Nile cruise.

If you are going to visit Cairo too you will learn more about what you will see if you visist the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Over the coming week or so I’ll give you more details about some of the things I’ve read in the Book but if you still have time I would nip out now and get a copy.