We are now able to arrange short duration Nile Cruises on board the excellent Jaz Legacy Nile Cruise ship.
This is great for anyone hoping to take a short Nile Cruise because they are strapped for time, or, if they wish to combine a Nile Cruise with a visit up to Cairo all within the space of a week or less.
We already offer a 4 night Nile Cruise and 3 night Cairo holiday but some people cannot get away for a full week.
Juts this week we arranged a 5 night holiday using the Jaz Legacy for 3 nights and the Mena House Hotel in Cairo for 2 nights. The client involved could only get away for 5 nights so being able to use the Jaz Legacy meant we could arrange the holiday to the clients exact requirements.
If you need any information about custom-making a Nile Cruise and Stay holiday for any less than a week please call us on Freephone 0808 1089 100 and we’ll do our best to arrange everything for you.