Nile Cruise Special Offers

I’ve just up-dated a whole bunch of Nile Cruise offers on the main website and I’m going to be adding the prices of the two new ships I mentioned in the previous post, the “MS Stephanie” and the “MS Monica“.

In the meantime if you would like a price on either of these excellent Nile Cruise ships please call me on our FREEPHONE number, 0808 1089 100.

MS Stephanie Nile Cruise

We are now pleased to be featuring a great new, (to us) Nile Cruise ship, the MS. Stephanie.

I’m currently adding a new page, MS.Stephanie Nile Cruise, to the main Nile Cruises 4u website with a full gallery of pictures but I found this brief video on YouTube and thought I’d add it to the blog, courtesy of “Samc21ewaltor“.

We are also featuring another great vessel, the MS Monica Nile Cruise ship and there will be a new page dedicated to that ship up on the main website within the next few days.

We’ve received great reports about both ships and if your thinking of taking a Nile Cruise this year please give us a call on our FREEPHONE number 0808 1089 100 and we’ll tell you all about both ships.

Nile Cruises and Sharm-El-Sheikh

We get asked a lot about the idea of taking a Nile Cruise coupled with a further week in Sharm-El-Sheikh. The only problem is that to do so you have to fly up to Cairo to catch a flight down to Sharm and then catch a further flight at the end of your time in Sharm to get back to Luxor via Cairo.

We can arrange this easily enough, subject to the flights being available, but it adds a bit of travel time to your holiday.

If you’d like more information regarding adding a Sharm-El-Sheikh additional week to your Nile Cruise please call us on Freephone 0808 1089 100 and we’ll check out prices and flight availability for you.

If you’d like to check out holidays in Sharm-El-Sheikh then you can visit our dedicated Sharm holiday website at

Nile Cruises 4u on Twitter

I’m a bit of a geek! Always messing around on my pc and on the web and I’ve been on Twitter for quite a few months now.

I’ve just come across TwitterFeed which is a great program for a geek like me. What happens is that when publish a post here on the Nile Cruises 4u website a Twitter entry appears and shows my “Twitter Followers” the brief details.

I know that sounds really techie if your not into things like this but I find it really interesting. Sad, eh???

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